Friday, September 28, 2012

How To Measure for a President

President Ronald Reagan, commemorating the 750th anniversary of Berlin, addresses on June 1987 the people of West Berlin near the Berlin wall. President Ronald Reagan's famous 1987 call for Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall!"

Photo by Mike Sargent/AFP/Getty Images.

On Election Night, after a winning presidential candidate enjoys his victory party, he should be given a bathrobe, slippers, and taken to a decompression chamber. Victory can give a president-elect a case of the bends. He is likely to think that since he has convinced the public to elect him, he will have power as president to convince the public to follow him. "It's a malady and it's a dangerous one," says presidential historian George Edwards III. "They have been talking for two years and that's all they've been doing and then they win and they say I can convince people of anything. The feedback is?pretty strong."

We're all conditioned to think presidents have a powerful ability to persuade the country. That?s why the press and public pour over every word of their speeches, press conferences, and Oval Office interviews. The president and his staff think speeches can change minds, too. If people are mistakenly thinking X, it?s just because the president hasn?t had a chance to explain Y. Once he does, polls are taken. If the people still don't agree with the president, we see it as a sign that he is somehow flawed.

But we are giving the occupant of the White House too much credit. The evidence suggests that if people don't agree with a president, his ability to persuade them otherwise is pretty limited. ?The idea that presidents accomplish more if they give the right speech is?magical thinking," says political scientist John Sides. "It feels good for people to hear the president say things they want him to say, but they can't mistake that warm feeling for what gets legislation on the president's desk."

In campaigns, you can draw a relatively straight line between the speeches and the outcome. To win an election, a candidate just has to convince voters he?s better than the alternative by a day in early November. But to win a complicated policy debate a president has to convince enough legislators and a distracted American public that the situation is urgent or at least matters a whole lot. For a president?s opponents, delay is always an option and it?s hard to focus the mind if people aren?t already on board. In that atmosphere, a presidential candidate?s ability to read public opinion is a better guide to their ability to persuade the public than their gift for delivering soaring rhetoric.

Admittedly, this view of oratory is not going to get your movie script green-lighted. Harrison Ford doesn?t want to be attached to a movie about a president with a knack for shaping existing public desires.?The action-figure president we like to imagine rallies the nation with his words and dispatches foes with tart rejoinders.

The Framers weren?t interested in the Hollywood version, though. As Jeffrey Tulis, the author of The Rhetorical Presidency points out, they wanted a man who cooled public passions, not a president who got them all stirred up. Though we prize extemporaneous presidential speech today?and snicker at Barack Obama?s dependency on the Tele-prompter?there was a time when the presidency did not have a chat-show element. President Harry Truman was criticized when he went off script. ?When the president speaks, something more than an off-the-cuff opinion or remark is expected,? wrote the Washington Post editorial page in May 1948, chastising him for delivering anything other than a ?set speech which has been prepared and combed over carefully by presidential advisers.? Presidential policy was too important to make up on the fly. Speeches were the public culmination of an entire presidency?the tip of the iceberg. They weren?t the thing itself.

Technology has put a premium on communication, ushering in the rhetorical presidency. But the focus on presidential talk has also come from a change in how we see the office. As governing has become more like a permanent campaign, we?ve grown to thinking that an effective president is one who speaks in campaign mode?all the time. And if he could persuade people to join his side as a candidate, why wouldn?t he be able to do it as president?

How powerful is the bully pulpit?

As Ezra Klein wrote in The New Yorker, Texas A&M University?s George Edwards and a number of other political scientists have systematically dismantled the idea that presidents can cause significant shifts in public opinion. The starkest examples come from the presidents known for being our greatest communicators. In 1937, at the height of his power, Franklin Roosevelt tried to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court to receive more favorable rulings for his New Deal legislation. He went directly to the public, making the Judicial Procedure Reform Bill the subject of one of his famous fireside chats. Most of the other chats had not been used so pointedly?to make a pitch for a specific program?but this was a special issue for FDR. The public didn?t bite. They saw it as a power grab and the measure failed. One of our great rhetorical presidents, Roosevelt could not convince the country to join World War II before the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

John F. Kennedy's words are repeated as much as any other president, but his eloquence didn't help him in the Oval Office. He was constantly frustrated with his inability to gather support to pass education and health care bills. When he?made a televised address in Madison Square Garden for Medicare reform,?he tried to rally the country to his cause. ?In this free society of ours the consent and support of the citizens of this country is essential if this or any other piece is going to be passed,? he said to an estimated television audience of 20 million. The next night a family physician, Dr.?Edward Annis, gave a televised rebuttal. More than 30 million people tuned in, according to one report, suggesting that Kennedy was perhaps less popular in this fight than the family doctor. The president did not sway his audience and the measure was defeated in Congress.

Ronald Reagan was?unsuccessful?in convincing the public to support increased defense spending. He made repeated appeals to give support to the Nicaraguan Contras against the threat of Communism, but to no avail. His pollster Richard Wirthlin wrote the president a memo suggesting he stop pushing the policy because it was likely to lower his approval rating and only harden people against helping the Contras.

The relationship between presidents and the partisan feelings they provoke by pushing a policy has only grown more acute since Reagan?s years. In our increasingly hyper-partisan era, presidential communication can actually diminish the chances that both parties can find common ground. Sometimes the best thing to know about the bully pulpit is when not to use it.

Each of these presidents?with the exception of Kennedy?also had a string of successful presidential campaigns. Still, they all?even Reagan?lamented at the end of their administrations that they wished they had been able to communicate better with the American people.?

Pres. Kennedy giving his Inaugural Address January 1961. President Kennedy giving his inaugural address in January 1961

Photo by Frank Scherschel//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images.

Barack Obama has been sounding this lament for several years. In interviews with Ron Suskind in 2010, Obama said,??The area in my presidency where I think my management and understanding of the presidency evolved most, and where I think we made the most mistakes, was less on the policy front and more on the communications front. ? I think I was so consumed with the problems in front of me that I didn?t step back and remember, ?What is the particular requirement of the president that no one else can do?? And what the president can do, that nobody else can do, is tell a story to the American people about where we are and where we are going ... going forward as president, the symbols and gestures?what people are seeing coming out of this office?are at least as important as the policies we put forward.?

In an interview with Charlie Rose two years later, the president said the same thing. Asked to name a mistake he'd made, Obama said it was not telling good enough stories to the American people.

But good yarns are not enough. In the more than two years since the president started saying he needed to tell better stories, he?s been trying, but on issues from health care to the economy, people aren?t any more persuaded. The more likely reason for the president?s low approval ratings is not that his words weren't conjured properly or arranged in the right order, but that unemployment was high and the country?s economic plight wasn't getting better fast enough. If the mechanic hasn?t fixed your car, you may understand the story he tells you and you may even be sympathetic to it, but you still want your car fixed.

Even when a president can take advantage of existing sentiment to move legislation, the economy can limit the power of his words. The country overwhelmingly supports the ending of the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy. You might think this would give President Obama the upper hand when Republicans took the position that they would support an extension of all tax cuts or none at all. But the president and his advisers calculated that if no deal was reached and taxes went up that would create greater economic pain that would?ultimately?be blamed on the White House. He couldn't talk his way out of that with a good story.

Presidents can?t fight against an underlying feeling about the economy. But that doesn?t mean they can?t try. They have to appear to be doing something about the No. 1 issue of the day. Giving a speech is the most effective way to look like you?re taking charge when your other options are limited. Plus, while political scientists make a good case that presidential speechifying might not always swing voters in a positive direction, it?s still possible that speeches keep public opinion from falling into the well.

There may also be a political benefit to the endless speeches. Take the current president, who has been criticized for giving too many speeches. Today, the American public thinks the economy is lousy. They don?t trust that the country is headed in the right direction. And, generally speaking, they think the president?s stewardship of the economy is lackluster at best. So why aren?t Obama?s approval ratings lower? What keeps him afloat, Democratic strategists wonder? It may be that President Obama?s speeches over the years have contributed to the relatively warm feeling people have about him. As even Mitt Romney admits, people like the guy.

Of course, there are speeches that move people, and in so doing accrue important political points for a president and his administration. Oftentimes they come from moments of national tragedy or sadness. Bill Clinton?s speech after the Oklahoma City bombing broke what had been a series of bad months for him, aligning him once again with the nation. George W. Bush?s words on the rubble pile at Ground Zero rallied the nation to his leadership in a way that his initial response to the attack had not. Obama?s well-received speech in response to the shootings in Tucson, Ariz. that wounded Rep. Gabby Giffords interrupted what had been a dreary period for his administration after the 2010 losses in the House. It?s hard to imagine Mitt Romney, who is a workmanlike speaker, seizing one of these moments for his advantage. But the quality of his oratory probably wouldn?t hurt him too much. These are situations where the public is straining to embrace a leader; the president just needs to be there to accept the embrace.

How do you know what the public thinks?

The reason presidents can seize on public moments of tragedy is that presidential communication is most effective when it taps into the public?s mood. ?When broader forces align?public opinion, the right number of legislators?presidential action is a useful addition of momentum to that change,? says Sides, the political scientist. ?It's not going to create that change by itself, but it can direct it.? In this case, then, the most powerful thing a president does when he communicates is topic selection. The public wants many things. Much of what it wants it shouldn?t have. Presidential speechmaking sets the agenda and draws the crowd to a topic, which a savvy president knows they are at least somewhat predisposed to supporting.

Presidents are not supposed to be motivated by polls. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie argued this point at the Republican National Convention: ?You see, Mr. President?real leaders don?t follow polls. Real leaders change polls.? That?s not exactly true. Successful presidents all credit their ability to figure out where the country was headed and then rush to the front to organize the parade. Lincoln not only managed by wandering around, he used to take what he called ?public opinion baths,? gauging the public?s attitude about a particular issue before he made a decision. FDR famously said ?I cannot go any faster than the people will let me.?

Franklin D. Roosevelt during one of his fireside chats, on August 1933. Franklin D. Roosevelt during one of his fireside chats, on August 1933

National Park Service.

Reagan was a masterful communicator, in part because he didn?t try to force the country to go in a direction it didn't want to go. He managed tax cuts and reductions in government spending that met the desires of a conservative wave in the country. Reagan's talent was to give voice (and easily repeatable aphorisms) to the country?s mood. (They are still being repeated at GOP rallies today, where I?m with the government and I?m here to help you is a ready laugh line.) The economic success of Reagan's term ratified the ideas behind it?smaller government and the belief that tax cuts lead to economic growth?but his ability to communicate branded those ideas to the times more than simple prosperity could.

Bill Clinton, whose skills connecting with the American people are legendary, nevertheless faced a series of stinging defeats early on. But he learned his lesson after the Republicans took over Congress in 1994. He immediately started supporting a number of small provisions?from encouraging school uniforms to V-chips that would block offensive programming on television?that had wide popular appeal. The triangulation he practiced in which he supported positions in the middle against the extremes of both parties gave him a series of victories that matched the public mood. By offering the public what they wanted, Clinton realigned his presidency with the majority. It wasn?t Clinton?s words that won people over. It was the policies, stupid.

If a president can?t sell a program, is it his fault?

Barack Obama had an opportunity to shape public opinion on health care reform. When he started his push, the idea of reform was broadly popular. In April 2009, 59 percent of respondents in a Kaiser health care poll believed health care reform was more important than ever?even amid an economic downturn. Only 37 percent said we couldn?t afford health reform because of economic problems. But the more Obama worked on the legislation, the more partisan the issue became. Soon the numbers began to turn against him. It became a game of beat the clock: Could he get the bill through Congress before opposition to it calcified? But Obama didn?t sprint. He thought he could keep the public on board while everyone waited for the Senate Finance Committee and its chairman Max Baccus to deliver a bipartisan agreement. During that time, the president allowed the health care bill to take a pounding each day, lowering its popularity.?In February 2009, the president?s approval rating on the question of health care was a rosy 57 percent favorable to 41 percent unfavorable. By the time he signed the law in March 2010, those numbers had flipped. Even under a president with rhetorical gifts, the partisan and confusing nature of public-policy debates can overwhelm the oratory.

In the end, Obama had to jam the bill through. As health care reform came to a vote, Obama was no longer trying to win over Republicans or protect his brand. He supported the Senate use of reconciliation, a back-door procedural move that destroyed any chance of bringing along Republicans, and he turned his megaphone toward rallying his own troops. That?s a place where presidential rhetoric can be powerful. Obama's speech to House Democrats on the eve of the vote appealed to the common bonds that brought them into politics as Democrats. Since then, public support for the legislation has not improved.

Describe a situation when you convinced an adversary of something.

If Obama wasn't naive about the political reality, he may have had too much faith in the play he kept running:?Look reasonable so people will see that Republicans are overstepping. It didn't really work. It didn't cow Republicans. Their approval ratings sank, but their positions didn't change, and Obama's status with voters didn't improve as he?d hoped it would by using the GOP as a foil.

The president also probably had an outsize opinion of his own powers of persuasion. "One of the things I'm good at is getting people in a room with a bunch of different ideas who sometimes violently disagree with each other and finding common ground, and a sense of common direction," Obama told 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft. "And that's the kind of approach that I think prevents you from making some of the enormous mistakes that we've seen over the last eight years."

This was a theory largely untested by reality. Obama had worked with Republicans in Illinois, but that was a much smaller playground and he'd only done it for eight years. In the United States Senate, there was virtually no evidence of his persuasive powers on any meaningful issue. In the early days of his presidency, Obama couldn't even get his own economic advisers to agree, let alone Republicans.

Mitt Romney propagates a similar notion. It?s the myth of smart people in a room and the ability to wrangle a way forward from knowing how to conduct them. But what if the smart people in the room don?t want to agree with you? If they?re members of Congress, you can?t fire them. You can?t engage them in collective action for the good of the share price. They are trading on an entirely different market.

How do you know what the public wants?

If the political scientists are right, we should stop hanging on every president?s every word. That?s good news for Mitt Romney. He is not a memorable orator, but it turns out that he doesn?t need to be on many issues. He wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The average of polls shows 50 percent of the country wants the law repealed and only 40 percent does not. That?s more important than all the wordsmiths in the land.

President Obama?s rhetorical skills have already been downgraded in office. You could see it at his convention where he delivered a more earthbound speech. It seems like he knows that people may be a little skeptical this time around. When President Obama inevitably reinvigorates his base with rousing words during the campaign, no one should assume he will be any more effective in a second term as president.

Then Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama speaks at a town hall meeting in July 2008 in Virginia. Then Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama speaks at a town hall meeting in July 2008 in Virginia

Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.

If we want to measure a candidate?s potential in office, perhaps the more important thing to measure is their ability to read the public. It?s only with an understanding of what the public wants that they can shape public views. Candidates speak as if they can intuit the deepest wishes of the public, but where does this understanding come from? They attend rallies made up only of their supporters and they never admit to reading public-opinion polls. Democrats say they don?t watch Fox news and Republicans don?t wake up to the New York Times.

If voters aren?t with a president on a specific issue, all is not lost. Their general disposition toward their leader?whether they think he has their interests at heart?still offers something. If they do trust that he has their back, people might be more predisposed to hear him when, as president, he tries to argue that he has plans or ideas that may first strike them as unappealing. This is an area where Mitt Romney has lots of work to do. When pollsters ask voters which candidate they think cares more about average people, Obama beats Romney regularly by 20 percentage points or more.

That?s a tough position to start from when you are promising to transform the Medicare program, a proposal that does not have majority support. Romney?s plan to extend the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy also doesn?t have broad support.

Do the rules of presidential rhetoric suggest that there's no way that Romney can accomplish what he's proposing? Is he willing to go forward even though his Medicare reforms are likely to be unpopular, the way Barack Obama did with health care? Romney and Paul Ryan have suggested that they will receive a political benefit for taking on these hard tasks. But that?s just campaign talk. There is no evidence from the real world that this is true.?

These were the questions Newt Gingrich was noodling when he raised doubts about Paul Ryan's plan to transform Medicare. The country wasn't ready for "right-wing social engineering" any more than it was ready for left-wing social engineering, Gingrich argued, because to make big changes you can?t change public opinion, you need to shape it. So what was the plan for getting the country in the right frame of mind to accept it?

The limits of Barack Obama's communication skills have already been exposed. He is not going to be a more effective story-teller in his second term, but then again, his ambitions are less lofty than Mitt Romney's. Obama's agenda?to manage future budgets to reduce growing inequality through protection of investments and rearrangement of the tax code?is essentially in line with public opinion. Polls show that the public trusts him to handle issues of Medicare, taxes, and health care (despite disapproval of the Affordable Care Act). Without another election to worry about, Obama might feel emboldened to negotiate on behalf of those popular positions in the budget fight that will start the day after Election Day as he tries to avoid the fiscal cliff created by last year?s budget deal and the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts. Whoever the next president is, when his term begins, he?s going to have a lot of explaining to do.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Obama sits down with David Letterman - should Merkel take notes?

President Obama made a smart move by going on the Late Show with David Letterman, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel could benefit from something similar? if only she could pull it off.

By Rieke Havertz,?Contributor / September 19, 2012

Seated with talk show host David Letterman, U.S. President Barack Obama makes an appearance on the 'Late Show with David Letterman' at the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York City, Tuesday.

Kevin Lamarque


Thanks to a heads up from the local news last night, I got to watch President Barack Obama on the "Late Show with David Letterman." I figured if it was big enough to make the nightly news I should watch, but I didn't expect much more than staged jokes, dull conversation, and campaign messaging.

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But after the initial chitchat ended ? and President Obama had the audience on his side after cracking a joke about not wanting to see host David Letterman naked ? I understood why the president went on air with the late night host. I also wondered whether it was something German Chancellor Angela Merkel should consider when running for re-election next year.

The setting is perfect: It's free television time on a national level and gives the incumbent a big platform for presenting both his ideas and his personality. I didn't expect Mr. Letterman to let Obama talk about the national debt for more than three minutes, let alone the gridlock in Congress for almost four, but that's what he did.

For Obama it was a way to reach voters who might not be interested enough in politics to follow election coverage closely but enjoy their late night talk shows. His choice of words might have been simple ? referring to "two wars on a credit card" when talking about the national debt ? but his message, peppered as it was with stories about his children and the White House garden, stuck.

Germany has already adopted the US debate culture, so why not appear on talk shows too? Former Chancellor Gerhard Schr?der tried that when he appeared on the popular evening game show "Wetten, dass...?" ("Wanna bet this...?) in 1999, but it didn't really catch on with other politicians. Last year Chancellor Merkel turned down an offer to appear on the show, which was hosted by the popular Thomas Gottschalk until the end of last season.

Maybe it's because Merkel is not quite the hip politician Obama is and likes to keep her personal life private. But even though German elections are never as personality-driven as they are in the US, the candidates still need to appeal to voters, and this is an ideal way to do that.?

Take former Minister of Defense Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, who stepped down in 2011 after the disclosure that he had plagiarized his doctoral thesis. Even in the middle of that controversy, he remained one of the most popular politicians in Germany, partly because he knew how to spin the headlines with well-crafted appearances, showing up in an AC/DC T-shirt at a concert or getting his picture taken at tourist hub Times Square on a trip to the US.

Even if Merkel does not want to trade personal stories with Letterman like Obama did, appearing on a carefully chosen entertainment TV show and sharing just a little bit of about her personal life while going long on economic policy and government spending could be an easy way to get the message out to the average Joe ? or in this case, Otto Normalverbraucher.

Rumors are that Mr. Gottschalk is planning a comeback with a show airing on public broadcaster ARD. That could be a nice match.


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September 26 is National Women's Health & Fitness Day ...

By Editor, on September 26th, 2012

Women Exercise for National Women's Health & Fitness Day - September 26, 2012 (Image courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)September 26 has been designated as ?National Women?s Health & Fitness Day,? an annual health observance sponsored and organized by the Health Information Resource Center, dedicated to promoting women?s health and fitness.

The Health Information Resource Center (HIRC), a national clearinghouse for consumer health information professionals, states that this is the 11th annual National Women?s Health & Fitness Day, an event which is ?organized as a public/private good health partnership.? The event ?will offer fitness and health events for women at community locations that include hospitals, health clubs, park and recreation departments, health departments, schools, retirement communities, houses of worship, senior centers, and others,? its sponsor says.

?Our goal for this national event is to encourage women to take control of their health: to learn the facts they need to make smart health choices, and to make time for regular physical activity,? Patricia Henze, Executive Director of the Health Information Resource Centers, said in a news release issued by the organization.

Following is the news release issued by the Health Information Resource Center about the event:

National Women's Health & Fitness Day (Logo from Health Information Resource Center)
For Immediate Release

11th Annual National Women?s Health & Fitness Day
to be held September 26, 2012

On Wednesday, September 26, 2012, an estimated 100,000 women of all ages will participate in local health and fitness events at more than 1,000 community locations across the country as part of the 11th Annual National Women?s Health & Fitness Daysm. This event, the first of its kind, will always be held the last Wednesday in September as part of National Women?s Health & Fitness Week celebrations throughout the United States.

Organized as a public/private good health partnership by the Health Information Resource Center (HIRC), National Women?s Health & Fitness Day will offer fitness and health events for women at community locations that include hospitals, health clubs, park and recreation departments, health departments, schools, retirement communities, houses of worship, senior centers, and others.

Local women?s events held on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 will include fitness walks, exercise demonstrations, health fairs and health information workshops. Most local events will include an exercise or physical activity component, as well as educational information about women?s health and fitness.

?Our goal for this national event is to encourage women to take control of their health: to learn the facts they need to make smart health choices, and to make time for regular physical activity,? adds Patricia Henze, Executive Director of the Health Information Resource Centersm, organizer of the event. Henze adds, ?Women?s Health & Fitness Day is also designed to showcase the many women?s health resources available through the local organizations that will host events on Wednesday, September 26, 2012.?

Organizations interested in hosting a National Women?s Health & Fitness Day event must register by paying a $29.95 event registration fee (plus shipping). Registered organizations will receive a valuable Women?s Health & Fitness Day event manual and sample event incentive items ? T-shirt, balloons, posters, etc. The event manual is an easy-to-use guide with all of the information needed to host a successful event ? activity suggestions, posters, press releases, copyright-free women?s health reproducible masters for distribution, and more.

To help promote the 11th year?s event, the HIRC is sponsoring a Women?s Health & Fitness Day Theme Contest. Women ages 18 and older are encouraged to submit a short phrase or sentence that reinforces the importance of health and fitness for women. The contest deadline is Friday, July 27, 2012, and women may submit post cards or letters to: 2012 Women?s Health & Fitness Day Theme Contest, P.O. Box 883, Libertyville, IL 60048. Entries may also be sent by fax to 847-816-8662, or by e-mail: A cash prize will be awarded to the winner. More details on the contest can be found on the official Women?s Health & Fitness Day Web site:

The Health Information Resource Center (HIRC)sm, organizer of this event, is a national clearinghouse for consumer health information professionals. In addition to the Women?s Health & Fitness Day event, other HIRC programs include Family Health & Fitness Day USA, always held on the last Saturday in September; the annual National Health Information Awards, the nation?s largest awards programs for consumer health information and resources; and the Web Health Awards; the Consumer Health Publishers Association and the Online Health Association and the Web site for consumer health information professionals.

For more information on Women?s Health & Fitness Day, please contact Patricia Henze, program manager, at 1-800-828-8225, weekdays 8-6 Central time. E-mail:


This Event Announcement is provided as a public service by HelpingYouCare?.


More Information

More information about National Women?s Health & Fitness Day is available on the organizer?s website for the event:

For more information on a healthy diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors that promote wellness and prevent diseases, see the HelpingYouCare? resource pages on Wellness/ Healthy Living for Seniors & Caregivers, including:

Copyright ? 2012 Care-Help LLC, publisher of HelpingYouCare?. All rights reserved.


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Astronauts may play role in Mars robotic missions

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ex-Guatemalan commander linked to massacre to stand trial in U.S.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A former Guatemalan Army commander suspected in a notorious massacre during the country's civil war has been ordered to stand trial in the United States on charges he lied about his past to gain U.S. citizenship, prosecutors said on Tuesday.

Jorge Sosa, who was extradited to the United States from Canada last week, was ordered held without bond during a hearing on Monday in U.S. District Court in Riverside, California, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeannie Joseph said.

Joseph said a November 27 trial date had been set for Sosa, who has been accused of taking part in the Guatemalan civil war massacre at Dos Erres, a farming village where 250 men, women and children were brutally slain by military commandos in 1982.

U.S. prosecutors have no jurisdiction in Guatemala and have not charged Sosa, also known as Jorge Vinicio Sosa Orantes, in connection with the Dos Erres killings that are considered one of the worst atrocities in that country's bloody, 36-year civil war.

Instead, he is charged with making false statements to immigration officials to cover up his past as he sought to become a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2008. If convicted, Sosa could be sent to Guatemala after serving his U.S. sentence to face potential charges there.

Law enforcement sources say Sosa, who has been living in the Riverside area, fled to Canada when he learned he was under investigation. Riverside is about 60 miles east of Los Angeles.

An attorney for Sosa could not immediately be reached for comment. The ProPublica news service has reported that Sosa denied guilt in a recent interview from jail in Canada.

According to a U.S. federal grand jury indictment issued in September 2009, Sosa was a commanding officer of a Guatemalan Army special forces unit known as the Kaibiles that killed nearly everyone living in tiny Dos Erres, many by hitting them with a sledgehammer and dumping their bodies into a well.

Many of the women and girls of the village were raped before they were slain.

The Kaibiles unit had been dispatched to Dos Erres to find members of a guerrilla group that had ambushed a military convoy in November 1982, killing soldiers and taking their weapons.

One of two known survivors, 33-year-old Oscar Ramirez Castaneda, was granted political asylum on Monday in the United States, according to his attorneys.

Castaneda, who learned only last year that he had been abducted as a young boy by a Guatemalan army lieutenant during the massacre and raised by the man's family, was assisting prosecutors in cases against former members of the Kaibiles.

Sosa is the fourth former Kaibiles member living in the United States to be targeted by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center. (Editing by Tim Gaynor and Philip Barbara)


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Tabby - Orange - Pumpkin - Large - Baby - Male - Cat | Palm Harbor ...

Tabby - Orange - Pumpkin - Large - Baby - Male - Cat

Pumpkin is a 7 month old fluffy orange tabby kitten. He came to Suncoast, along with his siblings Autumn and Tango, as a stray. He's stunningly beautiful and has the sweetest facial expressions. He's a bit shy when you first meet him, but he's very affectionate and playful after you spend a few minutes getting to know him. His fur is so soft, you just want to pet him for hours. He gets along really well with other cats, is gentle with children and seems to be okay with dogs. For more information or to hear our office hours, please call the Suncoast Animal League office at 727-786-1330 <tel:727-786-1330> .

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Personal Development Techniques: A Guide To A Better Life ...

Gaining knowledge about personal development can really help you grow as an individual. The world offers you lots of good advice on personal development, so reviewing the tips below and applying them where appropriate is well worth your time.

If you feel you are not making progress, try to see specifically what is keeping you from it. This seems to be hard from some people. Even so, identifying personal weak points is a critical initial step in order for them to be dealt with. Once you address these obstacles, the path to success will become much clearer.

TIP! Set realistic, attainable goals for yourself to ensure that you are envisioning an achievable, healthy lifestyle. Take your weaknesses and focus on eliminating them and your self-esteem will rise.

Being selfless is a big step in personal development. There are times when you may have to sacrifice something and simply care for someone else. Inner growth is increased by sacrificing your own comfort and turning your focus to the needs of others, while maintaining your core values.

Don?t think physical activity is only for when you want to lose a few pounds. There are multiple reasons for exercising. Exercising causes the release of endorphins that make you feel happier and less irritable.

Accomplish the things in life you want to accomplish. You won?t get anywhere if you only think about what you want to do. Do something about your dreams and you will see them come true.

TIP! Self discipline is the most important aspect in being able to work towards achieving your goals when it comes to personal development. Make sure that you develop self control skills.

Increasing the positivity in your daily life is truly a matter of personal choice, and what you want for others will often appear in your own life, whether good or bad. In this sense, you should only wish the best for other people. Focusing on positive things will help you stay happy and motivated.

Don?t overexert yourself physically when you are trying to achieve your goal. Trying your hardest and doing your best are important, but not important enough to ignore the warning signs of an impending limit. Don?t neglect your body when your are striving to meet your goal. Trying to achieve a goal at the expense of your body?s well being is hurting your personal development.

In order to help with depression, try to add extra complex carbohydrates to your diet. If you are not getting enough carbs, you might have a low serotonin level. Increase your consumption of fresh fruits, raw vegetables, nuts, brown rice, assorted beans and whole grains to have a diet that is enriched in complex carbohydrates.

TIP! Always strive to live a life of wisdom and virtue. Try and analyze things you go through to determine what aspects of your life can change and what aspects are unavoidable.

Keep in mind that everyday should be better than the previous one. Try to improve yourself constantly. Tell yourself that you will at least improve on one thing that day compared to how it was previously done.

Taking some small risks can help you stay happy. Taking risks has the potential for failure, so some people prefer to keep things the same and take no chances. They lead unfulfilled lives avoiding risk rather than trying new things. Have the courage to take some risks so that you can find your happiness.

Use your time efficiently so you can get more done in a shorter amount of time. One effective way to work more efficiently is to schedule more regular break times. Taking constant breaks, while appearing counterproductive, can allow you time to relax so that you can return to work and get more done.

TIP! It is said that you have two ears and one mouth, because you should listen more than you speak. This is particularly true when you are talking about self-development.

It is possible to deal with the tough situations that arise in everyone?s life without becoming overly emotional. If you can learn how to stay cool during high-stress situations, you are likely to gain the confidence that you need to conquer just about anything in your daily life. Remember to always stop and breathe deeply to regain your poise.

Use your core principals to your advantage. Each person has his or her center of beliefs. When these beliefs are strong and easily defensible, your confidence will grow by using them as a guiding force in your life. Even better, when you act on your principles, you will become more consistent without having to make any effort to do so. This is an excellent trait to be cultivating.

Always work towards your personal best. Follow your passions to decide what to excel at. You will never be number one at anything, but we can try to be great. Do work you enjoy, complete it the best you can, and your self-esteem will grow stronger.

Your mind?s health depends on how healthy your body is. Exercise regularly and eat a nutritious diet. Remember that a healthy body can lead to a healthy mind.

Be on the lookout for new challenges all the time. Trying new things makes doors open up for you. You will see, do and explore more things than you ever thought possible. Look into doing things no one has been able to achieve before. Try to do your own thing, instead of doing what has already been done.

Everyone needs to have an emergency fund. Most of us depend on credit cards to pay for unexpected expenses. By putting aside only a few dollars each week, you can rapidly build a respectable emergency fund. This money can help out in the short and long term because debt continues decreasing.

TIP! Talking to a counselor or a religious leader can help you relieve stress. These people have plenty of experience, and are licensed to help with your problems.

In order to properly advance in matters of self improvement, it is very important that you declare lowliness. Realizing that you are but a small part of the bigger picture will potentially open your mind to attaining new insights. Once this idea gets instilled in your mind, you will want to know, understand and learn new things, therefore, improving yourself.

Developing yourself can be achieved through the acquisition of knowledge. You need to apply what you?ve learned to your life. There are so many different ways to start growing as a person. You will begin to feel more confidence when you apply these suggestions to your life

Whether or not a person can make things happen for you, you must treat everyone with respect and gratitude. How you treat them reveals more about your own character, than it reveals about theirs.


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Walking And Light Exercise Does Nothing For Weight Loss ... Financial Samurai ChallengeI?m a pretty health conscience guy who plays tennis three times a week, watches what he eats, and goes on frequent hikes and bike rides around the neighborhood. That said, I?ve definitely been overweight before, and I came close again on my recent trip to Europe.

The reasons why I want to stay relatively fit are as follows:

* I don?t want to die before my time. Although we don?t know when we will die, we can at least try and reduce our chances of an early death by eating right and exercising regularly.

* I don?t want to burden my family with unnecessary health complications. Being a burden to loved ones is a terrible, terrible thing. I would hate to see my wife, kids, or relatives have to constantly check in on me because I?ve received brain damage from a stroke, or can no longer go to the bathroom on my own due to some manly cancer.

* I don?t want to financially burden my fellow Americans who will have to subsidize my medical costs thanks to universal health care. As honorable citizens, we should try to give back more to our country more than we receive. This is the best way to ensure the health of our nation?s future.

* I don?t want to let my US Tennis Association teammates down when it?s time to battle other teams. We all train very hard in the off season so that come game time, we?re ready to compete. Being physically fit is standard, but can also be a huge edge as we battle less in shape competitors. Once we are fit, we can then concentrate on our skills and mental fitness which are crucial to winning matches.

* I?m frugal and don?t want to spend too much on new clothes. During the first year of college and the first year of work I had to buy new shirts and pants because I gained about 15 pounds. I?m not big into clothing in the first place, but when you?ve got to buy a three new suits of different colors, things add up! Dress shirts and jeans are easily $50-$200 each and higher. Imagine being able to fit in your jeans from 10-15 years ago, how much money you can save!

* I don?t want to ignore the plight of others. I grew up in several third world countries and I?ve witnessed immense poverty. When I know there are millions of people starving around the world, there?s no way I can overeat and not remember. America is a country of abundance and it?s easy to consume more than normal. We just have to remind ourselves how lucky we are, as we?re not even being asked to help others, only ourselves.

* I want to feel good. When I was heavier, I didn?t have as much energy and I didn?t feel as good about myself. I?d look at new pictures and come away shocked because they were so different from how I used to look. When you feel good, you look good. And when you look good, you have more confidence to succeed.

Despite all these reasons, I still find it very tough to stay in ideal weight of 152-163 pounds for someone 5 feet 10 inches tall. 152 pounds sounds ridiculously light, but hey, that?s what the doctors and researchers say is ideal weight for a medium bodied person my height, so who am I to make excuses?

The problem is, when I see a batch of lemon meringue mini pastries, I cannot help but eat six of them at a time! When there is all you can eat BBQ ribs, the same thing happens. Tell me I?m not the only one!


My friends and I walked on average four hours a day for 10 out of the 17 days we were in Europe. Our ship would dock by 8am, and we?d go from around 8:30am all the way to 5pm exploring every single city. That?s 8.5 hours off the boat at each port, with half the time walking.

Given it takes 16-20 minutes on average to walk a mile, we walked 12-15 miles a day for 10 days. We walked another three miles a day for the other seven days the rest of the time. ?If we add up everything, we averaged about 8-9 miles of walking a day for 17 days!

During long lines at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, or during down time at the gardens of Catherine?s Palace in St. Petersburg, we?d try and get at least 30 pushups and 50 sit-ups in as well. The reason being we knew that a dinner buffet or scrumptious meal high in butter and joy awaited us once we returned to the ship!

Furthermore, we?d all hit the swimming pull and gym at least twice a week to try and get at least a 30 minute sweat in.


* Breakfast: Omellette, bacon, sausage, a couple mini pastries, Norweigan fish, and OJ.

* Lunch: Local meal on land if at port, or another buffet meal on board while at sea. We?d generally eat a salad, piece of flank steak, shrimp cocktail and some juicer

* Dinner: Rib-eye, filet mignon, prime rib, rack of lamb, beef wellington, lobster, sushi, sashimi, chef salads, creme brulee, hot fudge sundae, apple cobbler, cheese platters and much, much more.

* Evening snack and beverages: The restaurants would open up at 10pm again until midnight where you could eat the same food that they served during lunch. Every other night there would be some type of dessert extravaganza, and of course, if you are like me, you enjoy the cocktail at a ship bar or while you?re playing poker until 2am!

Despite the availability of food, I did my best to eat until slightly full and not pig out until I felt sick. I went for quality food items instead of quantity. But, when you are eating such treats every single day, it is hard not to put on some weight.

Mini Lemon Meringue Pies!

I ate 10 of them in two days


Now that you know my daily exercise routine and meal itinerary, guess how much weight I gained in just seventeen days? Remember, I walked 8-9 miles on average, put in the occasional work out, and tried to eat in moderation.

I went from 160 pounds to 170 pounds in two and a half weeks! To compare apples to apples, nine pounds is a whopping % i6ncrease in body weight in such a short time.

I knew I was gaining weight because my jeans felt tighter each day that passed by, but I didn?t realize how much I gained until I got back to San Francisco. I was shocked after spending the first 3-4 months of the year trying to lose 8-10 pounds, I had gained it all back in just a matter of weeks.


The ideal body weight of 152-163 for someone 5? 10? pisses me off. As I mentioned in the beginning of the post, I have many reasons why I want to stay in shape, and I?m assuming that many of you guys have similar reasoning.

As a result, I?ve decided to join to exercise more, track my progress, and have some fun competing with other people online who want to get in shape and stay in shape! offers free workout logging, an exercise database with 2,000+ exercises, various fitness challenges, and the ultimate motivation in fitness battles.

My exercise routine will be as follows:

* Three sets of 20 push-ups for a total of 60 a day

* Three sets of 50 sit-ups for a total of 150 a day

* Five hours of tennis a week

* One hour of biking a week

* One hour of hiking a week

The goal is to burn about 500 calories a day beyond normal activity.

As for food, I plan to go back to my normal eating habits of fruit and barley green in the morning, a regular lunch under 700 calories, and dinner under 1,000 calories for a total of 2,200 calories or less. If I can consume a net 1,700 calories a day, I?m pretty sure that within a couple months I?ll be able to get back down to 160 lbs and hopefully down to 155 lbs, the weight I was back in high school.

You can find me on with the account FinSamurai. motivates users to workout by rewarding points for logged workouts. This workout summary will give you a better idea on how exercises are accounted for within a workout (Note: This workout summary is from Yakezie Member, and WeightTraining Founder Joel Ohman?s most recent workout). We plan to do a weekly challenge based on how much we exercise and tally up our points. It?s a fun way to keep accountable and lose weight and stay in shape together.

Join the fitness battle here! Battle starts October 1st at midnight! Who?s in?




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