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Before you check out all these freelance writing?possibilities, ?read this great article, written by Kristen Lamb?about comfort zones and social media, which is certainly true for every author and freelance writer, who is looking for more writing engagements.
Range Magazine
Quarterly magazine, devoted to the issues that threaten the West, its people, lands, and wildlife. Regular features, tightly written, run 1,200-2,000 words, mini-features 600-1,200 words. Payments are from $50 to $400 per article. Buys First North American serial rights.
Delicious Living Magazine
Educates readers on nutrition, disease prevention, integrative medicine, healthy cooking, personal care, and eco-friendly products. Only fresh new angles. Features 1,000 to 1,200 words. Departments vary widely from fillers of 50 words to columns of 800 words. Send queries/clips to
Range Magazine The magazine explores yoga in its form and practice. It involves integrating yoga in all aspects of life as well as on the health, nutrition, exercise and concepts that broaden its understanding. Big publisher of freelance articles. As little as $50 for fillers. Articles are up to 3,000 words. Up to $2,000 for features.
New York Family Magazine
New York Family is a monthly family lifestyle magazine focused on the interests, needs, and concerns of New York City parents. Articles are up to 1,200 words, departments up to 800 words.
Pays up to $300.
OC Family Magazine
A magazine distributed throughout Orange County, CA. Coversgeneral parenting topics as well as child-related information pertinent to Orange County. Editorial calendar available.
Articles are up to 2,500 words. Topics include education, health, nutrition, travel, food, sports, recreation, child care. Also has departments on advice, book reviews, fashion, beauty.
Pays up to $500.
Essence Magazine?
Lifestyle magazine geared toward African American women.
Arts and entertainment, books and poetry, beauty, health, relationships and food, personal essays, work and wealth and the cultural landscape. Articles are 1,200 to 3,000 words. Columns are 600 to 800 words.
Pays up to $2 / word!
There are many more magazines one can write for: regional magazines, trade magazines, local visitor guides etc.?Sell several articles a month, start earning a living and built?your platform.
Before you send in your pitch, read as many back issues as possible and study carefully their writer guidelines. ?When looking for an agent or publisher you will be asked what of your writing has been previously published. Showing a long list of published articles is as good as showing a published book.
Hyper Smash
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