Sunday, October 21, 2012

7 Smart Tips on Staying Focused

staying focused

Staying focused on my work has been of the biggest challenges that I had to overcome. It is so easy to get distracted with the information overload that we are bombarded with every single day.

From emails, Facebook, twitter, enviously reading our competitors websites and taking on more than we can handle, I knew I had to get a grip and become highly focused on only the work that produced results.

Here are my top 7 Tips for straying focused.

1.??????????? Do not check email until at least 4pm. Email can ruin you. Learn to use it to your advantage and do not let it use you.

Opening your email first thing in the morning will set you down a massive rabbit hole of being driven by other people?s demands and take you off your primary focus ? building your business and achieving your goals.


2.??????????? Only ONE hour of power of Facebook. Before you begin your Hour of Facebook Power ? use this checklist:


  • What is my goal ? what do I want to achieve from getting on Facebook. It may be to make new connections, to get information, to help others, to look for potential leads and clients or simply to connect with your friends. It doesn?t really matter what is it ? as long as you are CLEAR on the goal and you stick to it
  • Set a timer and do not go over the one hour. Remember, there is always tomorrow.
  • Stay on Facebook. It is Facebook time, so do not go on any other site during this time. You only have one hour so make the most of it.


3. Make a list of the 3 most important things that you need to do each day to move your business forward. Keep this list where you can see it constantly and whenever you are doing something ask yourself the question: ?Is this going to help me grow and move my business forward??


4. Make a list of all the things that you must stop doing immediately in order to stay focused. This can mean:

  • Putting your phone on silent and putting it in another room,
  • ?Not going onto other people?s websites,
  • Eliminating multi tasking,
  • Avoiding conversations ? both online and offline that drain your time and energy.


Make your own list and post it where you can see it. Not doing certain things that you have identified as a major bottleneck to your focus and productivity is equally as important as doing your 3 most important things that move your business forward.


Be ruthless and eliminate the desire to apologize, feel guilty and explain yourself to people. Those who matter don?t mind, those who mind don?t matter.



5. Take regular breaks ? this could be going to a yoga class, going for a walk, a swim, or some simple guided meditations. This is usually when your best ideas will come and will actually keep you focused because they will keep your body, mind and spirit invigorated and ready to take more focused action


6. Plan out your day and be ruthless about sticking to your plan. Do not let anything distract you. Put your phone away, shut down any sites that are distracting and train others by letting them know the times that you are not available.


If they don?t like it, that is none of your business, if you lose friends, they probably were not worth keeping in the first place. Better yet, you may teach them a lot about boundaries and how to stay focused and achieve their own goals.


7. Create a clutter free environment. In order to stay focused and work with clarity, your environment needs to be supportive of your intention. Clear away any visible distractions. Create empty, white space where you work and practice maintaining a minimalist work environment.

How do you stay focused on your work and your major goals?



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