Friday, November 16, 2012

Pinterest Grows Up & Goes Corporate With New ... - Marketing Land

Now businesses can participate on Pinterest as their own corporate selves instead of as individuals. Today Pinterest launched a new business site that will allow a brand to participate under the corporate name.

Some of the benefits that businesses will gain with the new accounts are better tools, case studies and insight into new features.

  • Verify your website Brands can now officially become?verified?and be viewed as the official company source.
  • Add buttons and widgets Companies can use the various buttons and widgets to build more Pinterest engagement to their profiles and boards.
  • Gain access to upcoming features Those acting as brands will be able to gain advance knowledge on future products and services for businesses and audience metrics.

A resources?section?has been crated for businesses that cover case studies, best practices, guides and brand?documentation. A new terms of service has also been put into place for the new business accounts.

Those brands who?ve been using individual accounts can easily convert over ? no new account required.

For more information see the official Pinterest blog post.

Related Topics: Pinterest | Top News

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