I like to imagine that this guy?s name is Friday. He?s been dealing with an unusual name his whole life, and once a year his friends have teased him when all the dreaded Black Friday stories come on the news. He never shops on Black Friday ? his friends would make too many jokes. He hates being teased. He?s afraid of being?embarrassed.?So he stays home every year while everyone else gets great deals. Year after year Friday sits on the couch and watches TV while his friends shop and save money on Black Friday. But last year his TV breaks right before Thanksgiving. His wife makes him come with her to buy a new TV on Black Friday. She tells him to ignore his teasing friends and come buy a new TV already. So Friday goes with his wife to the store on Black Friday and gets a great deal on a new TV, and when he?s walking out of the store, he?s pleased that he overcame his fear of being embarrassed and is smiling wide because he just bought a big TV. Just then a photographer snaps this shot, and today the picture is on the front page of CNN.com. Friday?s phone starts beeping with texts from his friends?
Source: http://whenfallsthecoliseum.com/2012/11/22/black-friday-having-a-bad-day/
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